
7 Meditations (2 Hours) & 1 Handout

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Olivia Kissper MSc.

Transpersonal Psychologist, Sound Artist, and Guide for Leaders and Misfits

Olivia Kissper supports men and women in creating both relationship and online business success by focusing on what is true, real, and deeply fulfilling, while clearing their past blockages and trauma. Olivia is obsessed by self-inquiry and makes the invisible visible, clears insecurities and doubt beyond any limiting stories. With clients, she focuses on creating systems rather than reaching goals.

Olivia is also a certified mindfulness &a...

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Do you wake up in the morning overwhelmed by things to do, or with a racing heart? What if you started your day with a guided meditation of just 15 minutes, calming your mind, taking focus away from what's wrong and training your mind on what it is you actually want to experience?

By practicing each day for only 15 minutes, you will learn to distinguish between reacting from your past hurts and being in the present moment. You will experience lessened anxiety and stress, and a greater sense of wellbeing and peace.

These guided meditations will teach you how to focus on what you want to experience from a place of pure being, rather than focusing on what is 'wrong' with you or others. Gradually, you will leave behind the reactive behaviour that leads to emotional pain, anxiety, and disconnection from yourself and others. By completing this process, you will be trained as your own self-therapist and will reconnect with your pure awareness, which will guide you on your continuous journey to reducing stress.

How is this 6 Week Mindfulness Day Activation Challenge Different from other Mindfulness Programs? 

At the end of your practice, you will be prompted to focus on what you want to experience in your day. Normally, we get up in the morning and our heads are spinning from all the tasks we have to accomplish, or we overthink about the past, trying to fix or change things. By focusing on what we want to experience rather than what we need to fix first in order to experience what we want sometime in the future, we start opening up to new possibilities, deeply buried heart desires, and simple joys. 

Focusing our intent leads to the gradual realisation that we can simply enjoy things and people we already have in our lives and are able to let go of focusing on the things that cause us stress, anxiety, and overthinking. 

You will also receive an activation statement for the day, which is a suggested response during the day to any stressful situation. Instead of constant reacting and defending yourself in stress or discomfort, you can stay open, curious, and change your perspective in any situation. 

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What Will I Learn?

A Step-by-Step Guide to:

  • Create a morning meditation habit to start your day so you commit yourself to daily practice for best results

  • Repeat activation response statements to respond differently to negative situations

  • Release tension from the body through relaxation

Who Is This Meditation For?

The 6-Week Less Stress Challenge is for anyone looking to develop habits that make their life better. You will learn to develop a secure and deep sense of wellbeing that will serve as a solid foundation to support you through life's challenges. If you would like to explore your inner-self and reprogram your reactive way of being The 6-Week Less Stress Challenge is for you.

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6 Week Less Stress Meditation Challenge

What Others Have to Say

  • Changed my Perspective

    I recently completed the 6 Day Mindfulness Challenge and have the activation phrases saved on my phone so I can see them daily. It helped frame experiences that I have in a new perspective. For example, December is a very stressful, demanding time at work. Combined with the holidays and the emotions there, it can be difficult to be facing heavy demands at work and desiring to spend time with family. So it is a yearly cycle of stress. That did not change, but how I reacted to it did. I felt more balanced during this time than I have in years. When those moments would come up, those phrases were so helpful. I did laugh, I think every time that I listened to #6 when you said, if you think, my boss is so stupid. It was an unexpected comic relief, but such a valuable point. It was great insight to look at emotions rather than through them.

    I am someone who is very empathic and I feel most emotions, whatever they are, fully. So being able to step back and not get whipped around by them was very beneficial.

    Another helpful skill, was asking "what do I want to feel or experience today?" I can be governed by "to do" lists, and asking these questions, instead of "what do I need to DO" had a deep effect.

    The exercise of creating your own safe space is a great tool. And observing the effects of calming and stressful thoughts and what they do to my body helped tune me in to their power.

    I committed and was able to stick to the daily practice of this. Your intro written guidance about avoiding news that is not having a direct impact was helpful. I didn't realize how some of the vitriol and negativity in the news and in politics was wearing me down subtly.

    This was a true lift and helped me take on a new perspective, and tune into what my body is doing, as well as feeling emotions without them controlling my whole outlook. Thank you for this wonderful course. ~ Thomas Ossman

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When does the course start and finish?

    The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course—you decide when you start and when you finish.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you are a Blisspot Subscriber—across any and all devices you own.

  • What if I am unhappy with the course?

    We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.